Semiconductor Actives and Electronic Component Retailer - Welcome to LittleDiode Ltd. provides a wide range of transistors, integrated circuits, diodes and electronic components at good value. There is no minimum order so feel free to browse our range of electronic components and purchase what you require.

The transistor range consists of NPN and PNP transistors, and FETs, and MOSFETs. We stock Japanese transistors 2SA, 2SB, 2SC, 2SD, 2SJ and 2SK. We also have European transistors.

Our integrated circuits include stock manufactured by Hitachi, Sanken, Toshiba, ST and many big name manufactures.

Friday 2 April 2010

Electronic Spares Retailer

Semiconductor Actives and Electronic Component Retailer - Welcome to LittleDiode Ltd. provides a wide range of transistors, integrated circuits, diodes and electronic components at good value. There is no minimum order so feel free to browse our range of electronic components and purchase what you require.

The transistor range consists of NPN and PNP transistors, and FETs, and MOSFETs. We stock Japanese transistors 2SA, 2SB, 2SC, 2SD, 2SJ and 2SK. We also have European transistors.

Our integrated circuits include stock manufactured by Hitachi, Sanken, Toshiba, ST and many big name manufactures.

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